Important Notice - In June 2024, we released a new version of our Inventory system. Updated documentation for the Inventory is available in our new Support Portal. All documentation for the entire eLabNext platform will be fully migrated to the new Support Portal over the course of 2024. Start using the new Inventory documentation.

To share samples of a specific sample type with other groups in the company or institute, you can share sample types. Navigate to Configuration – Sample Types and click the Share icon for the chosen sample type.

Select one or more groups in your company or institute and move them to the appropriate column using the arrow icons. Click the Add button to confirm and share samples of this sample type with the chosen labs. The group with whom the sample type has been shared can now find samples in the Organization Search option on the Advanced Search page. Note: when sharing a sample type with another group, the storage location of the samples will not be disclosed to the lab with whom they have been shared.